Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Head to Page in Three (Or Four, Or Five) Easy Steps

Because the comic book industry is pretty dominated by the big name companies (Marvel, DC) a lot of goals of the comics that are just launching is to find the one big idea to sell to the big name companies. However, these days, it's very hard to find the big idea in the first place because usually someone else has thought of it. Which is why, in this case, we're just trying to make a comic book that really resonates with people so we don't need a big name company to sell our idea as the next big thing from Marvel (although if you're out there, we can talk.)
I've had a lot of ideas in my day but in most cases it doesn't come to fruition. However this time I had a really good idea: a comic book about superheros. And while I know it's probably been done before, and that there are probably superheros that have the same powers, what makes this comic different is the situation they've been put in and the people who have the powers.
I feel that even if it's true that there are only so many ideas out there, there are always new and exciting ways to use them. I imagine that the most important thing about trying to start a new comic series, just like starting a new book series or television series, is the idea. So in the interest of generating excitement and sharing our ideas with you, here's a little bit about one of our characters, Sophie:

Sophie is a nine year old with the intellect of someone much older. She is always asking questions and has no shy qualities at all. She'll ask a question of anyone anywhere as long as her instincts tell her she isn't going to get hurt by them. Her powers, like her brother's are psychic in nature. Sophie has the ability to receive and absorb information from other people through physical contact, which is partially why she is a brilliant little girl. Sophie is also very pretty and worked as a child model and actress. Her code name is Psyche.

Friday, October 30, 2009

When the World Knew Nothing

It's been a while since the first post. I'm working on the first few layouts, so I'll post those when they're all thumbnailed and whatnot.


(c) 2009 Janelle Smith

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Character Sketches

Just a couple of character sketches for the comic.

All images (c) 2009 Janelle Smith.